In some cases, bad credit is a result of irresponsible money management. But it often occurs because of unexpected financial hardship. One day you might have all of your bills current, and the next you could become disabled or lose your job. And if you…
Author: Cindy
Most people live paycheck to paycheck, and spend what they want whenever they want. But if you keep up that pattern long enough, you’ll soon discover that the money runs out before you’ve paid all the bills, and there is never any left over for…
How you think about money is the single most important factor that determines whether you are wealthy or not. So, if you want more money in your life it is essential that you develop a positive money mindset. However, many of us are taught to…
The rich seem to keep getting richer without having to work harder than anyone else. But just how do they do that? One of the secrets the wealthy use to create more wealth is to invest their money wisely. In fact, they even earn more…
If it’s one thing moms can do it is stick together. Making life run smoothly with kids, home and career can be a tall order. Communicating with other moms helps to ease the stress. If you are looking for a business venture, why not make…
Have you ever wondered why money comes so easily to some people, yet others seem to struggle for every penny they earn? The difference between the two types of people often lies in how they think about money and wealth. Here are some wealth creation…
You may take miles or actual costs for business use of your car. Which ever you use you will have to continue to use. You may not change methods. You must be aware of your state’s rules as well as the IRS. They are not…
Hello, here is a sample of the information you get in our E-Book Training. The class is only $30 and is online. With the class you also get updates. Unlocking The Niche Code (How to Research the Moneymaking Capabilities of a Niche) A Step-by-step Approach…
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